
Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Moment

Back after a long time...real long I year I guess...or more than one...but blog, my wish :) ... arrogance works dude.

For a change, this is something that really touched me. Made me realise what togetherness is all about, and what it means to be MFEO, the cheesy acronym for - Made For Each Other
So, without further ado, here goes...

My husband and I had one of my dad's old friends come over to visit us. It had been pending for quite some time now and well, it was real fun when they came. Over tea, we started talking about various things under the sun. Being close to sixty, Uncle tends to be a little absent-minded. He forgets people's names, places he went to, what happened at that time and things of the sort, but he never forgets his friends. He must have a million friends, the warm and lovely person that he is and so, whatever thing or place or event you talk about, he has a friend in it...or related to it...or a part of it. I have finally stopped getting all amazed about this whole affair, earlier it fazed me out. Really!
Aunty on the other hand is the mature one...she is one of the most cool mums that I've seen, very down-to-earth, easy-going and great to talk to. And man, have never seen any person as concerned as her. She remembers everthing about everyone all the time. Is a wonderful host even if u reach their place in the middle of the night, unannounced.
In a way, uncle and aunty compliment each other.

Here's how...
Us: We just went out looking for a car at XYZ Car Shop.
Uncle: XYZ car shop...XYZ car shop....rings a bell... (gives a questioning look to aunty)
Aunty: It's your friend's shop.
Uncle: Oh yes, oh friend's shop...he was with me in college...great an excellent speaker...Pradeep...Pradeep...(questioning look number 2)
Aunty: Sinha, Pradeep Sinha...whose daughter got married last year
Uncle: (satisfied and smiling happily...having remembered Pradeep) yea, great guy...ya, his shop. Tell me if you want to go there again, I'll go with you. Great guy that Pradeep.
Aunty: (to us) yes, the wedding was wonderful. the groom is very good too, works for ABC company...we've known the girl since childhood, she looked wonderful on that day.
Uncle: What was her name again?
Aunty: Kalpana
Uncle: -----lost in thought-----
Aunty gives me a wink.
Topic changes to weddings now...
Uncle: Recently we went to a wedding, in was the wedding?
Aunty: 12th was Uncle's oldest friend from school, he is in the army...his son was getting married.
Uncle: Yes, yes...he is a colonel in the army...and his son...(looks at aunty in a help-me-out-here way)
Aunty: Virender
Uncle: has studied...(more help needed)
Aunty: Is an MBA
Uncle: who works in....
Aunty: Gurgaon
Uncle: in...
Aunty: WXEG company
Uncle: ----------smiling contently------
Aunty: -------smiling lovingly-------
Silence of a few seconds when they are looking into each other's eyes and suddenly they both burst out laughing.

Sigh...wish I have such camaraderie with my beau 30 years after our wedding. It is people like these who reinstate your belief in marriage, love, understanding and togetherness. And yes, they make it look like it is the most effortless thing ever.

Hats off to them!

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