
Sunday, November 9, 2014

The House Bermuda Triangle

Yes, it's true. There is a Bermuda Triangle in the house. Nobody knows where it is, duh! But it is there, as real as this article, or some such simile like that. The Bermuda Triangle is some place, may be in a parallel universe which has all the things that literally vanish from the house. Like magic! Poof! Yes, those things are really and forever, lost.

Now my father is known to be a very meticulous person. He sleeps on time, wakes up on time, eats on time, has a place designated for everything, and even in his sixties, is proud of a keen and sharp memory. He never forgets, especially when there's something wrong that I did something 15 years ago ;) or otherwise too. You can count on him to find your own lost things for you when you are in a rush to go some place. He knows exactly where to find it. Heck, if you've read my earlier posts, he found me a gold chain which was almost inconspicuous to the naked eye. He knows. He never loses things, that's his thing.

On one of those meticulous mornings, he very promptly got up early in the morning, had tea and left for his half hour cardio workout at the gym and came back. I was fast asleep. My morning generally doesn't start till he's had his second cup of tea and the maid has cleaned up the house and left. Anyway, when I woke up, he seemed jittery. He kept looking for something every where. Now I know it was too early in the morning for me to lose anything, I'd just woken up! So, seemingly confident (hoping it wasn't something I had misplaced the previous night), I walked up to him and asked what he was looking for.

He looked at me, all panic stricken and upset, "I can't find the house keys. I had them with me when I got in, in the morning but now I can't find them." And so saying, he went back to looking for it under the sofa, the table, in the cupboard, outside the cupboard, under the bed, over the bed, on the night stand, on top of the fridge, under the fridge, in the balcony, in the fridge (just in case) and what not. A good one hour went into looking for the object in question. I searched too, at first, and then pretended to search for it for another 15 mins, but no luck. He was disappointed.

But well, life goes on, doesn't it, after an hour and a half we sat down for breakfast. Of course, there was no other thing to talk about but the pretty key which just might turn up any minute now. So, my father went through his schedule aloud. And suddenly, in the middle of breakfast, he remembered he could have left it in the bathroom, so off he went, just to come back with a much more forlorn look on his face. Nope, it was not there.

I tried to console him, told him it happens to the best of us, but well, not to him. Never to him. While I went around my business and then left for office, he was still scouring the house, just short of wearing a lens. I got late when I returned from office that day, and frankly, had pretty much forgotten about the whole affair, but not him. We discussed a little more about the key at dinner, where could it be, who could have taken it, my father was obsessed with it. But no luck, not even a slight understanding of where it could be. He finally gave up and went off to sleep, or so I thought. But in the middle of the night, I heard some movement in the house, thinking about the worst, I stealthily got out of my room, only to find my father, looking for the untraceable key.

By the end of that week, he had almost given up, now the key only gets mention once a month or so, as the thing that went into the Bermuda Triangle, and may return any day now. :)

P.S: When I showed him this article, he said,"I still have to ask the sweeper and sewage people, in case they found it." It's been 3 months now. :)