
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Let the music begin

...and let it be. How do we define music? What does it mean for someone? There are times when it almost feels like you're cheating if you're doing anything but listening to the little piece that you did, and there are others when you want to strangle it with your bare hands. There is no pattern for liking a particular piece of music over the other. There is no pattern in any of it yet we all have our own liking and disliking for music, something, which if you think of it, is something very very pious, more pious than religion, sometimes, purer than the soul.

Or maybe, there is a pattern. For every person. Just like a fingerprint. But then, what makes chart busters? And more importantly, does it matter? What happens to the 'to each one, his own' rule? The more you think about it, the more you see that there is never a black or white. It is always shades of grey. Of everything.

 After all, the ultimate control is in - chaos.